Poultry and Waterfowl Books recommended by Poultrymad©
Stairway to the Breeds by Ian Kay ------------------------- To view a profile of the author, Select "Ian Kay" from right
From Local Club Shows to Classics, from Lancashire to Lincolnshire, via poultry shows at
virtually every point in the United Kingdom, knowledge and experience spanning
two generations have been gained to enable this unique book to be written.
Covering 101 breeds, on which much research has been undertaken, the book deals
with their strengths and weaknesses, origins and comparison, breeding procedures
and beauty.
This book is not only full of sound advice, but humorous where
necessary, and recalls many of the beliefs of famous old names of the past,
which have not previously been published. There is no book to compare with this
one and the fancy is fortunate that for only the second time this century (20th
century) such a book has been published.
Includes guest writers - Sue Bowser - Silkie; Will Burdett -
Orpington; Harold Critchlow - Hamburgh; and Eric Parker - Poland
With Contributions from - Sue Bruton - Sulmtaler; Lana Gazder
- Fayoumi; and Doreen Smillie - Appenzeller
Over 900 historical photographs (60 in full colour)
illustrating 101 breeds of poultry
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Having spent over 40 enjoyable years of breeding,
showing and judging exhibition poultry and waterfowl, it was with great pleasure
that I accepted the Scribblers Publishing's offer to write a series of
books relating my experiences and adventures, and at the same time hopefully be
able to pass on the knowledge that could make you as successful as the
partnership of my father, the late John Kay, and myself, showing since 1945 as
John Kay and Son and previously from 1911 in my father's own name.
During this period we have had wonderful success with exhibiting birds and have
gained a large number of friends in all parts of the British Isles, people who
have given a great deal of hospitality, entertainment and pleasure which we
would never have received but for the life-long interest in exhibiting poultry.
In this series of books I hope to be able to convey to you in a 'no-holds
barred' style of writing, the principles and secrets which made our partnership
so successful for nearly half a century, intermingled with a selection of
humorous stories headed Jokohama Tails, and trust you achieve your ambition and
enjoy the same pleasure from your hobby as we have done.... Ian Kay
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This book continues in the same vein as Volume
One, offering advice and encouragement to newcomers on selecting the right stock
from a suitable breed, which will contribute towards the household budget and at
the same time enable them to establish themselves in the fascinating leisure
activity of exhibiting poultry and bantams.
Also included in these chapters is a host of information and advice
accumulated over a lifetime's experience, which I feel sure will be of interest
to everyone in the fancy and illustrated with numerous photographs of winning
birds from both from past and present.... Ian Kay
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In compiling this mini-encyclopaedia, I have tried
to envisage every abbreviation and term which might be used in a show schedule
and at the actual show itself, and to clarify these meanings.
The various parts of a bird are described in correct technical
language and often in local dialect as well. I have outlined the various
expressions you are likely to encounter when discussing the appearance of show
birds with fellow exhibitors and judges.
I have drawn your attention to the most common ailments and
complaints in poultry, recommended the modern cure or preventative and included
some reliable old fashioned remedies.
Invaluable advice is given on the strong and correct points of a
bird to be included in the breeding pen and also the ones to be avoided at all
costs. I have given hints on ways of preparing and maintaining birds in top
Also covered are the main principles of general poultry, husbandry,
accidents to poultry, incubation and good health, all titles being listed in
alphabetical order for easy location, interrupted occasionally with light
hearted experiences of ourselves and friends, recalled from the past fifty
years, 99% of which I guarantee to be authentic accounts of how the event took
place, and trust the characters involved whom we still have with us, enjoy
reliving their experiences as much as I did by writing about them....Ian Kay
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A History of Bantams concentrates on Bantams and
miniature fowl, outlining their basic housing, rearing and feeding requirements.
Collecting from my lifetimes' experience there is a section describing in detail
a host of ways by which you can improve your birds' appearance prior to being
exhibited, by legitimate methods, and also listing the ones which are not
acceptable. Believing there are many of us enjoying the pleasure of breeding and
showing the many breeds of poultry and Bantams now available, but without
thinking, take their existence for granted, I have written my interpretation of
how it all began, developing through the second half of the nineteenth century
and continuing to flourish until the commencement of the Great War in 1914.
Whilst researching this section, I found it both stimulating and fascinating and
trust that you will do likewise, when reading it. If so there is a chapter
describing the procedure and methods required to create a new breed of poultry,
possibly naming it after you. The book is illustrated throughout with
photographs in colour and black and white displaying both current winning birds
and also ones from the past, some instructional diagrams and includes touches of
Lincolnshire humour. I sincerely hope you enjoy reading it....Ian Kay
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Call and Other Bantam Ducks by Anne
Terrell, Ian Kay and Chris Ashton
, covers the history and development of Call, Black East Indian,
Miniature and Bantam Appleyard and Crested Ducks.
Full of information and tips for the beginner and experienced
exhibitor and breeder.
Fully supported with over 100 colour photographs of the colours
presently in the UK, including Yellow-belly, Chocolate, Khaki, Butterscotch,
Buff and Crested Calls together with others from Europe.
Originally published by Scribblers Publishing Ltd., available from Poultry Photos and Books
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Hens in the Garden: Eggs in the Kitchen by
Charlotte Popescu
This book is about keeping hens for pleasure in your garden, about
their suitability as pets and the joy of having fresh free-range eggs. Hens and
bantams come in all colours, shapes and sizes. Among them are Frizzles with
feathers curling the wrong way, the exquisite silver or gold-laced Wyandottes,
Silkies with fluff like cotton wool and the muffled, exotically crested
Araucanas, layers of highly prized blue eggs.
The author has kept bantams in her garden for many years and this
book is based on personal experiences. Included are chapters on housing,
feeding, egg laying, hatching chicks plus information on breeds and common
The second half of the book contains recipes with helpful ideas for
surplus eggs and left over yolks or whites. Savoury and sweet recipes include
tarts, souffles, mousses, cakes, Swiss rolls, ice creams, roulades and
Finally there are several amusing and interesting stories and
anecdotes about hens and their eggs, a glossary and an index. Published by
Cavalier Paperbacks
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