Poultrymad© Cream Legbar
The Cream Legbar, which produces blue eggs, is a cross between the Brown
Leghorn and the Barred Plymouth Rock with some Araucana blood mixed in.
The origins of the Cream Legbar trace back to the 1920's, when Clarence
Elliott, who was touring the world collecting rare plants, brought three hens
and a cockerel back from Patagonia to Stow-on-the-Wold, Gloucestershire in 1927.
The cockerel did not survive but the three hens were used at Cambridge
University in 1930 by Professor R.C. Punnett who was studying poultry genetics
and cross bred these Patagonian birds resulting in the Cream Legbar
Further ensuing offspring were eventually used to develop another breed which
became known as the Cotswold Legbar, which lays different coloured eggs to the
Cream Legbar
Cream Legbar chicks can be sexed at hatching from the colours of their down
which makes this one of the few auto-sexing breeds.
As previously mentioned, they were developed in the 1930's but numbers have
diminished over the years making a true Cream Legbar unique
These blue egg layers are very attractive and great to have wandering around
your farm, garden or back yard.