Poultrymad© Welsummer
Although Welsummer chickens are associated with Welsum, Holland the breed was
originally developed in the area along the river Ysel to the north of Deventer,
Holland at about the same time as the Barnevelders (1900-1913).
The original birds showed a hotch-potch of colours and physical variations
i.e. 5 toes, blue tails, yellow body feathering. Fortunately efforts were made
to improve the breed and a farmer's son from the village of Welsum made trial
crossings with other breeds especially Barnevelders and it was this crossing
which proved to be the most stable and constant. Later other farmers in the area
began to buy stock from this source and the breed known as Welsummer, became
In 1921 the originating breeder was invited to exhibit the Welsummer at the
first World Poultry Congress at The Hague, Holland. In 1922/23 because of its
uniformity, steps were taken to standardise the breed. In 1927 the Dutch
Association for the Improvement of the Welsum Poultry Breed was founded. The
Welsum breed arrived in England in 1928.
The typical 'Farmyard cockerel' - the bird you see on the
famous cereal box!
They are excellent foragers on free range. In fact, out of all the different
breeds we have, it is the Welsummers that spend the least time at their feeders,
managing to make the most of their environment. A truly organic breed, the
Welsummers are very attractive birds and people often describe the cockerels as
just the type you see in books and on retail products.
They are friendly birds and really give the place a farmyard feel. They are
probably best known for the eggs they lay. These eggs have been described as "a
rich deep flower pot red". They really are the most beautiful large brown eggs
you're likely to see but because their production qualities are lower than other
utility breeds you would be very unlikely to buy a dozen Welsummer eggs from the
Free-Range section at any supermarket.
- Cock 3.20 Kgs (7 pounds)
- Hen 2.70 Kgs (6 pounds)